Hi friends<br><br>I would like to create an application which extracts,configures,sets the path for installation and install any software package that is downloaded in the .tar.gz format or any other.<br><br>This is because if we download that package in one system we could be able to install using it in other system which has no net access.Also it would be easier for the common people who are not aware of terminal commands.<br>
<br>Yeah ofcourse we have ubuntu software centre and synaptic package manager for easy software installation.But internet is needed in both the cases.<br><br>I mean like sharing the downloaded package among friends and to install them easily just by a single click in a system which has no internet access.<br>
<br>Is there any such application?Or can I proceed with my project?<br>Can anybody help me out.<br><br><br><br>Thanks in advance<br>regards<br>--Bavithra.R<br>