I was discussing this issue with some other members on #ubuntu+1 irc just yesterday. Should aptitude be included in Maverick by default?<br><br>I can't see any valid reason of why it should be. We already have apt-get, dpkg and gdebi. And between the 3 of those, all bases are already covered. So I believe one has to raise the question.<br>
I'm not aware of how much space aptitude actually consumes, but the space could be better used for something more useful and/or important.<br><br>Regards<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Chris Jones<br>Photographic Imaging Professional and Graphic Designer<br>
ABN: 98 317 740 240<br><br>Photo Resolutions - Photo Printing, Editing and Restorations<br>Web: <a href="http://photoresolutions.freehostia.com" target="_blank">http://photoresolutions.freehostia.com</a><br>
Email: <<a href="mailto:chrisjones@comcen.com.au" target="_blank">chrisjones@comcen.com.au</a>><br>