<div dir="ltr">*** AND I DON'T KNOW WHY MY EMAIL WAS NOT COMPLETELY SENT, HERE IS THE REST OF IT ***<br><br>... it's new tech why not use it?<br><br>From another post I see that one way of getting some revenue, Canonical
decided to make a deal with Yahoo, so why not as a way of lowering
costs, use another free service instead of paying for lots of
servers/load/bandwidth/<div dir="ltr">administration ... etc<br>
<br>Those are just thoughts nothing more, as personal experience, we in
my company are using a google-group as way of "development-list" and
it's pretty excellent for us specially when I can do many many things
with almost perfection.<br>
<br>Another example is, Mozilla, they actually moved to google groups,
I don't think it's their partnership that made that or else they might
move their source code into a google-code and in the other hand Google
wouldn't coded their own bug-tracker and used bugzilla instead...<br>
<br>>they perform their designated task far more effectively.<br><br>More
effectively based on what? in our list here, open the archive, then
choose January-2010, then choose sort by date, then open a random
thread, then press "Next"<br>
The next one will be the next one "by thread" not "by date" as
expected, this maybe a small bug (but I don't think so) or maybe it's
something that wasn't "designated" from the beginning. and here is what
I wanted to perform: open the list-page sorted by date and read the new
threads by pressing next, next ... not by click, then back, then
scroll, then click, then aahhh I opened this one before that ... then
close the browser and I don't want to read anything. what if from my
simple browsing I want to just hit reply and send, this also not in the
design at all, instead I MUST use an email client which is oh my god I
was just navigating the list from my mobile phone and it does not
contains a multi-tab to open the email in another tab without loosing
this page ....<div class="im"><br>
<br clear="all"><br>-- Amahdy AbdElAziz<br>IT & Development Manager<br>3D Diagnostix Inc. <a href="http://www.3ddx.com/" target="_blank">www.3ddx.com</a><br><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/amahdyabdelaziz" target="_blank">http://www.linkedin.com/in/amahdyabdelaziz</a></div>