I agree with Daniel that combining all the screens goes to far, but I sort of like the concept behind Ryan's single-screen dialogue. How about something like this:<br><br>Screen 1: Welcome<br>Brief welcome message.<br>
Language - From what they chose at boot, dropdown list.<br>Keyboard - Autodetected as it already is, dropdown list.<br>Location/TimeZone - Autodetected, otherwise to "Unknown [GMT]", a button to open current map dialogue.<br>
Computer Name - textbox, default text "ubuntu-desktop"<br><br>Screen 2: Installation Location<br>The current partitioning screen, but simplified/hidden even more.<br>Text like: "Ubuntu will be installed beside Windows XP on this machine. How much space do you want to give to Ubuntu?"<br>
A scroll box (in percent, I would think) of free space.<br>A button that says "Change" which takes you to the current partitioning screen.<br><br>Screen 3: Users<br>Not sure how best to merge the import screen and the user-info screen, but I think they should both go into one screen here.<br>
Perhaps have a dialogue for create-a-user which opens by default (this allows manual entry or importing for all data).<br>Then ask "Create another user?" (opens the dialogue again) or "Done?".<br><br>Screen 4: Confirmation<br>
<br>Since the fourth screen doesn't really require much interaction, we could do some marketing with our "three-step install" or something along those lines.<br><br>Just my two cents,<br>Evan<br>