On Saturday 31 January 2009 13:16:25 Mackenzie Morgan wrote:<br>> If you want to avoid those sorts of updates and only get the security ones,<br>> you can disable the "updates" repository and just use "security". That'd<br>
> result in quite a lot of the updates being eliminated. There are also<br>> changelogs available in the update window. If the bug in question doesn't<br>> affect you, you can uncheck the update.<br><br>Neither of those options are really satisfactory:<br>
<br>If I were to follow the first step, then I wouldn't get feature / minor-bugfix<br>updates for ALL packages, not just the ones that are a little large. And if<br>I follow the second, then I'm nagged every day about the larger packages that<br>
I haven't updated -- not to mention that I don't always bother to read all of<br>the changelogs when I get my pretty-much daily update notice -- there are <br>often 10-30 packages in that list! I don't mind spending the bandwidth on<br>
an update -- the issue is apparent bandwidth wastage for something which is<br>a very minor update. Even if the update applied to me, it's quite hefty<br>to get said update at 70mb download for the tweak of one options in<br>
.config.<br><br>Instead of being just another moo in the wilderness, I will, as someone else<br>on this mailing list suggested, give it some thought myself (:<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br>
Truth doesn't cease to be just because you don't agree with it.<br>