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I've been posting to the Evolution mailing list about a problem I am having with Evolution's calendar reminders not automatically popping up on my screen. They suggested that the behavior I am looking for happens in other distributions, so perhaps my problem is specific to Ubuntu. So I am posting here to see if that is the case.<BR>
I use Ubuntu 8.04.1. Evolution is fully up to date via Update Manager.<BR>
In summary, here is what Evolution currently does with calendar reminders on my system: I see the notification icon appear in the notification area. If I left-click this icon, ONLY THEN does a window pop up on the screen with a reminder. If I happen to right-click the notification icon on accident, it dismisses the reminder!<BR>
I would like to bypass the left-clicking of the notification icon and just have a pop-up window AUTOMATICALLY appear on my screen with my reminder.<BR>
Have Ubuntu developers modified this behavior as someone on the Evolution mailing list suggested? Can someone help me get Evolution to behave in the manner I am looking for?<BR>
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.<BR>