<p>I also don't understand the reasoning behind this. If anything then it feels like adding another layer of obscurity.</p><p>Binaries HAVE names. There's just no way around it. The fact that MOST of the time, a user doesn't need it (the menu item) shouldn't be used as justification that for the few cases he does, it's overly complicated for him to find a means to do so.<br>
</p><p>In every other tutorial to do something that is just slightly beyond starting Firefox, Totem or OpenOffice.org Write there is a line of "now run the command <thisandthatcommand>", and unexperienced users will search for a way, just to find none by themselves.</p>
<p>Why not remove ALT+F2 altogether? Removing only the menu item for, as it seems, cosmetic reasons seems a little vain.</p><p>------------<br></p>Please note that according to the German law on data retention,<br>information on every electronic information exchange with me is<br>
retained for a period of six months.<br>[Bitte beachten Sie, dass dem Gesetz zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung zufolge<br>jeder elektronische Kontakt mit mir sechs Monate lang gespeichert wird.]