Hello Everyone,<br><br>I'd first like to start off this e-mail by announcing the Xubuntu community meeting was a *huge* success. We had roughly two dozen people take part (including old, current, and new faces) and a number of other individuals who sent in e-mails or left a quick IRC message to let us know that they were unable to attend but would be following up with much interest. After just under an hour of constructive discussion led by Jono Bacon and several free form votes, I'm happy to present following mission statement for Xubuntu:<br>
<br> "To produce an easy to use distribution, based on Ubuntu, using Xfce as the graphical desktop, with a focus on integration, usability and performance, with a particular focus on low memory footprint. The integration in Xubuntu is at a configuration level, a toolkit level, and matching the underlying technology beneath the desktop in Ubuntu. Xubuntu will be built and developed as part of the wider Ubuntu community, based around the ideals and values of Ubuntu."<br>
<br>Although 100% consensus was not arrived at, all participating parties did agree that it was an acceptable initial mission statement. It was decided that Cody Somerville (cody-somerville) would utilize the above mission statement to develop a strategy document which would describe how Xubuntu would adhere to the agreed mission statement. After which, another meeting would be called to discuss and find consensus on the new document.<br>
<br>Jono then asked the crowd if they felt Xubuntu needed a leader and, if so, would it be Cody Somerville. He continued by asking if everyone would be happy if Cody lead the project based upon the earlier agreed goals, and if everyone felt that Xubuntu would REALLY KICK ARSE with Cody leading the project. Besides Jonathon Carter pointing out that Xubuntu already kicked arse (seconded by Vincent), everyone agreed that Xubuntu required a leader and that they would be happy with Cody Somerville being that leader.<br>
<br>Finally, Jono asked Cody if he would lead the Xubuntu project. Cody agreed.<br><br> 19:40 <jono> in which case we have made three important steps forward here:<br> 19:40 <jono> 1) picked a leader<br>
19:40 <jono> 2) agreed on a general mission statement of goals<br> 19:40 <jono> 3) agreed that cody-somerville will develop a strategy based on that mission statement<br><br>The meeting was full of energy, motivation, and excitement. You can read the full log at <a href="http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/03/26/%23ubuntu-meeting.html">http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/03/26/%23ubuntu-meeting.html</a> between hours 1900 and 2000 or at <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Xubuntu_2008-03-26">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Xubuntu_2008-03-26</a>.<br>
<br>If you weren't able to make it out to this meeting, be sure to catch the next one! We will announce the meeting time once Cody has had a chance to prepare the strategy document. Until that time, please feel free to join us in #xubuntu-devel.<br>