Hi,<br><br>I've been using Linux on and off for some time now, and have been looking to get involved in development/testing on the distribution level. Anyway, after looking at many distros and reading about them, it is obvious that the ones that are most appealing to me are Ubuntu and Debian - which obviously share a common heritage (Ubuntu is based on Debian sid).
<br><br>In using Ubuntu, I've actually come up with a few ideas/suggestions involving the core system (i.e. - not MOTU material). In particular, I've been looking into a few laptop-specific issues (power management, odd issues with C-states, etc), and additionally some issues with multimedia support and how it works on Ubuntu. I know about Launchpad and have filed bugs on there, but would like to get directly in touch with the teams working on these issues.
<br><br>I've noticed with Debian that the development is mostly done
out in the open on the mailing lists and the bug tracking system with direct contact between developers and users.
However, I haven't noticed this so much with Ubuntu. I know that the
"Core Development Team" exists - do they have their own, closed mailing
list? Is this development done in house (i.e. physically) at Canonical
offices?<br><br>Could somebody fill me in on this? I'd like to help/offer suggestions on these issues directly with the teams involved. I've tried e-mailing a few people (in particular, those responsible for laptop issues and multimedia), but have not received a response.
<br><br>Tim Hull<br>