Please refer this <a href="">thread</a><br><br>This application helps every newbie (and everybody) in showing and hiding the gnome desktop icons namely,<br>
1) Computer<br>
2) Network<br>
3) Documents<br>
4) Home<br>
5) Trash<br>
6) Volumes<br>
This is the first release. I have attached the files.The steps are as follows,<br>
<ul><li>tar xjvf dic-0.1.tar.bz2</li><li>cd dic-0.1</li><li>sudo ./install (to install the application)</li><li>sudo ./un-install (to uninstall the application)</li><li>Go to menu System-->Preferences-->Desktop Icon Preference
<u><b>Things To DO</b></u><ul><li>Build a deb package (need help <img src="" alt="" title="Sad" class="inlineimg" border="0"> )</li><li style="font-weight: bold;">Try to find ways to show/hide specific volumes in the desktop (sda1,sda2)
</li><li>Option to create new icons in the desktop (should we really need this?)</li><li>Try to merge with any existing gnome application</li></ul><br>
Any queries/bugs please post here in this thread. Soon, will create launchpad and other entries.<br>
Thanks <img src="" alt="" title="Smile" class="inlineimg" border="0"><br><br>You can download the application from the forums.<br><br>I would be happy to get some help in finding ways to hide/show specific volumes visible in the desktop. I think it has to do something with the nautilus,hal and gnome-mount, but not sure how to tackle it.
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Regards,<br>C.C.Chakkaradeep,<br><a href=""></a><br>--<br>"Sometimes it's better not to ask - or to listen - when people tell you something can't be done. I didnt ask for permission or approval. I just went ahead and did it." - from "Direct from Dell"