Why is Linux desktop not popular among non-programmers?

Amit amitchoudhary0523 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 08:16:16 UTC 2025

> >
> > On Mon, 2025-02-03 at 17:13 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > > https://www.zdnet.de/41548848/auswaertiges-amt-wechselt-von-linux-zurueck-zu-windows/
> >
> > This is something that also applies to numerous German cities and other
> > authorities.
> Well, if linux kernel developers had made developing device drivers on
> linux very easy (as easy as developing drivers for Windows) then may
> be the Federal Foreign Office would still be using linux.
> Even today, it is not easy to write device drivers on linux and that's
> why companies don't develop drivers for linux.

I have sent an email to the linux kernel mailing list about this. It
can be found here:

Let's see what they say.

I give free unsolicited ideas to companies/governments/communities,
etc. around the world (although not from the same email id). Some of
my ideas get implemented and some don't.

I had written to the President(s) of USA 4 -5 times in the past (there
was a contact form available) and they implemented 2 of my ideas.

I had given many ideas to the Indian Central Government and they
implemented around 40% of my ideas.


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