Reintroducing deleted courier-* etc packages to ubuntu 24.04

Andrew Athan andrewgjk at
Thu Dec 5 03:24:12 UTC 2024

I am volunteering to fix whatever problem may exist in the courier mail
server packages which caused someone to delete the packages from 24.04 (
matthias.klose at is the deleter listed in launchpadlibrarian

The claimed reason appears to be related to PCRE2, yet courier has been
built using libpcre2 for a long time now, so the whole reason appears to be

I suspect all I have to do is prove that the packages can easily be built
from deb's that depend only on libpcre2.

Since the packages were deleted from 24.04, I imagine I cannot fetch the
source and simply do an apt build-dep and dpkg-buildpackage etc.

I am also a noob in terms of the bureaucratic steps involved in getting my
work "readmitted." Fundamentally, this issue may also just come down to
getting a message to whoever was the effective maintainer and decider
relative to their removal so the packages can simply be reinstated (e.g.,
if the removal was purely administrative based on some bug not being closed

Over the next few days I'll be researching the necessary steps further.
Telling me to RTFM is fine, if you kindly point me to the FM.

Perhaps I start by guessing the name of the source packages in 24.04 based
on the names in 22.04, then do the above steps after downloading them from
guessed launchpadlibrarian links?

Thank you,
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