Apache2 Vulnerability

Alex Murray alex.murray at canonical.com
Fri Sep 15 00:20:29 UTC 2023

Hi Daniel

In Ubuntu we generally do not upgrade to new package versions to fix
security issues but instead backport the individual fixes. As such you
should not expect to see say apache 2.4.56 in Ubuntu 23.04. Instead we
just add the minimal change needed to fix the vulnerability on top of
the existing 2.4.55 version.

Regarding these two CVEs in question, you can see the status for each of
these vulnerabilities in Ubuntu at





Both have already been patched and updates released back in March of
this year.

For more details on how package updates work in Ubuntu, I recommend
taking a look at


On Thu, 2023-09-07 at 17:25:27 +0000, Daniel Johnston wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering on when you plan to upgrade Apache from 2.4.55 to at least 2.4.56 to address the vulnerabilities with Apache?
> We have been checking weekly for a number of months now.
> Changes with Apache 2.4.56
>   *) SECURITY: CVE-2023-27522: Apache HTTP Server: mod_proxy_uwsgi
>      HTTP response splitting (cve.mitre.org)
>      HTTP Response Smuggling vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server via
>      mod_proxy_uwsgi. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server: from
>      2.4.30 through 2.4.55.
>      Special characters in the origin response header can
>      truncate/split the response forwarded to the client.
>      Credits: Dimas Fariski Setyawan Putra (nyxsorcerer)
>   *) SECURITY: CVE-2023-25690: HTTP request splitting with
>      mod_rewrite and mod_proxy (cve.mitre.org)
>      Some mod_proxy configurations on Apache HTTP Server versions
>      2.4.0 through 2.4.55 allow a HTTP Request Smuggling attack.
>      Configurations are affected when mod_proxy is enabled along with
>      some form of RewriteRule or ProxyPassMatch in which a non-specific
>      pattern matches some portion of the user-supplied request-target (URL)
>      data and is then re-inserted into the proxied request-target
>      using variable substitution. For example, something like:
>         RewriteEngine on
>         RewriteRule "^/here/(.*)" "http://example.com:8080/elsewhere?$1"; [P]
>         ProxyPassReverse /here/  http://example.com:8080/
>      Request splitting/smuggling could result in bypass of access
>      controls in the proxy server, proxying unintended URLs to
>      existing origin servers, and cache poisoning.
>      Credits: Lars Krapf of Adobe
> [cid:image001.jpg at 01D9E186.60BF0920]
> Daniel Johnston​​​​
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