
Jeffrey Walton noloader at
Mon Oct 23 23:15:39 UTC 2023

On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 7:48 PM JD <jim at> wrote:
> The lastpass-cli available in the ubuntu repositories (1.3.3) is out of date.  I was able to employ it despite the lack of support for some LastPass functions added in 1.3.4.  Earlier this year, the coded certificate authorities expired and the corrected version on github, 1.3.6, will not compile properly on ubuntu 22 (I actually run kubuntu to better support low vision).
> How do I request a small update such as this?

I don't believe Ubuntu will do a version bump. See the SRU policy at

To get needed functionality from lastpass-1.3.4 or lastpass-1.3.6 into
lastpass-1.3.3, open a bug report at
<>, and supply
the patch.

Regarding lastpass and the problems with expired certificates, well
that sounds like a design problem with lastpass. Ubuntu supplies a
trusted store, and users can supply their own store. The app should be
using what is provided to it (the app). I would probably file a bug
against lastpass for that.


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