Fwd: libmkl-intel-thread

Aaron Rainbolt arraybolt3 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 23:14:33 UTC 2023

Accidentally replied to the sender rather than the mailing list.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: libmkl-intel-thread
Date: 	Thu, 16 Nov 2023 17:13:48 -0600
From: 	Aaron Rainbolt <arraybolt3 at gmail.com>
To: 	Pascal Conrad <paconrad at students.uni-mainz.de>

On 11/16/23 13:46, Pascal Conrad wrote:
> Dear developers. There might be an issue with a package maintained by you.
> It's
> libmkl-intel-thread_2020.4.304-4_amd64
> Each time I invoke numpy with the module matmul applied to complex128 
> matrices or huge float64 matrices python3 totally crashes returning 
> the following message:
> python3: symbol lookup error: 
> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmkl_intel_thread.so: undefined symbol: 
> omp_get_num_procs
> This library is provided by your package.
Could you share with us what version of Ubuntu you are using? Also, you 
are sure that your version of python3 is the version that ships with 
Ubuntu (not one from a PPA or installed via something like pyenv), right?

- Aaron

> Kind regards, Pascal Conrad

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