update-manager: terminal-based version

David Hedlund public at beloved.name
Fri May 19 01:12:01 UTC 2023

On 2023-05-19 02:06, David Hedlund wrote:
> I expect that there are some useful terminal packages or script that 
> are performing the same thing as the update-manager GUI. If you are 
> aware of any such solution, please give me the name of the software.
> If not, then it would be useful to make a clone of update-manager that 
> could be either part of, or packaged, for Ubuntu. Just to try it out, 
> I wrote a bash script (just execute it, and run the alias `u` to try 
> it), see the attached file. However, I'm not satisfied with it, 
> because it's not yet a full-feathered /clone/ of update-manager:
>  Which commands are executed when:
I just submitted: Feature request: List executed commands in "Details" - 

But it does not solve the main issue of the subject of this mail.

> * update-manager is opened:
>     * I'm confident that this is the first executed command: sudo 
> apt-get -y update
>     * Then packages are listed, exactly which command is executed to 
> figure this out?
> * The "Install Now" button is clicked on. Examples, which of these 
> commands are executed, and in which order (please quote with source 
> code and file names as references)?:
> apt-get upgrade
> apt-get dist-upgrade
> apt autoremove
> apt clean
> apt full-upgrade
> Is something else executed?
> * /var/run/reboot-required is used to determine if the GUI should 
> display a button used to restart the distro
> UpdateManager.py[1]
> ----------->8--------------
> # file that signals if we need to reboot
> REBOOT_REQUIRED_FILE = "/var/run/reboot-required"
> ----------->8--------------
> 1: git clone git://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager && 
> grep -r "reboot-required" .
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