Introduction - New Member to the Ubuntu Mailing List and Interested in Contributing to the Project

Inshal Khan inshal.khan at
Wed Mar 22 18:17:46 UTC 2023

I am thrilled to introduce myself as a new member of this mailing list and express my interest in contributing to the Ubuntu project. My name is Inshal, and I am a student with a background in programming. I have experience in C, Go, and Python, and I am eager to use my skills to help improve Ubuntu.

As a long-time Ubuntu user, I appreciate the value of open-source software and the impact it can have on the community. I believe that Ubuntu is one of the most user-friendly and versatile operating systems available, and I want to contribute to its continued development.

I am particularly interested in contributing to projects related to system programming, application development, and automation. I am willing to learn new technologies and techniques and work collaboratively with the community to achieve our goals.

I look forward to participating in discussions, sharing my ideas, and learning from the experiences of others. Please let me know if there are any specific projects or areas where I can be of assistance.

Thank you for welcoming me to the Ubuntu Mailing List, and I am excited to be a part of the community.

Best regards,

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