Version Errors in Emacs packages

Russell Almond russell.g.almond at
Mon Feb 27 17:15:33 UTC 2023

I'm getting a number of errors when installing emacs packages from the 
melpa/elpa library.  The elpa library is serving packages that are 
related to version 28.x of Emacs, but the Ubuntu 22.04 and 22.10 
packages are still at 27.1.

This is causing issues which is forcing me to recompile all of the emacs 
packages I download.

The simplest solution from my perspective would be to bump the Ubuntu 
emacs package to use version 28 (or add an optional version 28 package). 
  As version 28 has been around for a year now, it should be stable.

[Flatpack and snap are not options.  The sandboxing causes emacs to 
behave strangely under flatpak; haven't tried snap.]

   --Russell Almond

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