[si] Modify pre-installed keyboard layouts for specific language

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 17 11:32:13 UTC 2023

On 2023-02-17 10:21, R45XvezA wrote:
> But we have a government approved and standard non-phonetic keyboard
> layout called "wijesekara" for sinhala language. It only appear to
> use after the installation is completed and updated the system.

The window for selecting keyboard layout is only for XKB layouts. 
wijesekara is an input method provided by the ibus-m17n package.

It's already set up so wijesekara is added to the list of input sources 
for users who select Sinhala as the language in the installer. That way 
they can use wijesekara already in live sessions ("Try Ubuntu"), and 
wijesekara also — as you mentioned — stays as an input source option at 
first login after a complete installation.

> So we want to modify the pre-installed keyboard list and add the
> wijesekara layout to come with cd image

Adding IBus input methods to that list would be a non-trivial change, 
and not so important IMO in the light of what I just pointed out.

> and move unnecessary phonetic layouts for optional use (means, to
> receive via system updates or remove unnecessary phonetic layouts
> permanently and keep a one from them).

The window simply shows keyboard layouts provided by the xkb-data 
package. If you actually want to drop some layouts, you'd better file an 
upstream issue:


But please note that other Sinhala speaking users may have preferences 
which differ from yours.


Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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