mumble-server for Linux

Nathan Haines nhaines at
Thu Aug 10 11:33:31 UTC 2023

On 8/4/23 23:57, 邮件 wrote:
> Hello, first of all thank you very much for the mumble-server package. Are there any plans to update mumble-server 1.3.4 to the latest version of mumble this year?

I discussed this with the Debian maintainer last year. Unfortunately, 
the way the code includes external projects makes packaging it 
difficult, and upstream has enough trouble building the project for 
Linux themselves.

I was able to take the snap package's recipe and use those dependencies 
to build the Mumble client and Murmur server because I wanted stereo 
sound support, although the same recipe wouldn't build the latest 
version as a snap.  But I've never been very strong with Debian 
packaging and I wasn't able to pull together diffs or anything like that 
that would've been helpful to Debian.

Unless things change, there are probably no plans to updates Mumble in 
Debian and Ubuntu soon.  It's more likely that the package gets removed 
from the repositories.


Nathan Haines
Ubuntu -

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