Tomcat9 - Ubuntu 20.04 x64

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Nov 15 16:00:13 UTC 2022


On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 04:00:22PM +0000, Brad Turnbough wrote:
> Ran a nessus scan against the box and am being told that verion 9.0.31 is vulnerable to a DoS attack and that I need to upgrade to >=9.0.36.  Problem is, that version isn't available in the Ubuntu repos.
> Can someone look into getting this package updated in order to resolve this vulnerability?

Please see:

If after understanding that you still think the package is vulnerable,
you need to identify a specific CVE.

Once you have that, you can search for the status of a specific CVE at

Hope that helps,

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