Increasing user base of Ubuntu desktop.

Joel Rees joel.rees at
Mon Mar 21 13:05:30 UTC 2022

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 11:55 AM Amit <amitchoudhary0523 at> wrote:
> There is no menu in the default Ubuntu desktop GUI.


I suppose it is not technically a menu, but there is that vertical
task-bar-like thing at the left of the screen, and at the bottom of
that is a pinpad thingy that brings up screens full of whatever
applications are installed. Unless you remove it, there's a suitcase
in the task-bar-like thing that allows you to install more.

If you let the cursor sit over anything in that task-bar-like thing,
captions come up to describe what they do.

If you want something like the MSWindowsXP desktop with the task bar
at the bottom (by default) and a start-menu like widget in the lower
left corner of the screen, XFCE4 is one of the desktop environments
that does a nice job of that. It's available as an install option for
most flavors of Ubuntu, Debian, Devuan, and so forth. It even runs on

> Applications have to be searched for. How will a person search for an application when he/she doesn't know about what the application is actually called?

Somebody shows them once how to hover the cursor over stuff in the
vertical task-bar-like thing, how to bring up the applications
graphical menu pages (they really are menus, you know, even if they
are graphical and page-oriented instead of textual and columnar), and
how to use the installer, and the user is off and running and never
looks back.

Or somebody walks them through installing and setting up XFCE4.

> [...]

Oh. BTW, the more interesting question you ask is why can't you buy
PCs with Ubuntu installed on them instead of MSWindows.

Ask Microsoft about their (cough) manufacturer and dealer incentive programs.

(I call it bribery/blackmail instead of incentives, myself.)

Joel Rees

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