Increasing user base of Ubuntu desktop.

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Sun Mar 20 17:26:35 UTC 2022

On Sun, 20 Mar 2022 22:38:56 +0530, Amit wrote:
>On Sun, Mar 20, 2022, 10:27 PM Ralf Mardorf
><ralf.mardorf at> wrote:
>> Windows is easier available, since it's installed by default on
>> almost all discounter desktop computers (and laptops...). "Available
>> by default" isn't the same as easier to use.
>So, the question is why is Windows available easily and by default?
>Why not Ubuntu/Linux?
>No one is stopping anyone from selling a Ubuntu/Linux laptop. So, why
>Ubuntu/Linux is not installed by default?

For hysterical raisins and mainly related to marketing. If something is
available for free as in beer and a lot of this is made by unpaid
volunteers and no radical marketing is taking place, then it can't
competed with something such as Windows which is based on theft and
plain exploitative market economy, as well as malicious lobbying.

Either reply to the list, or at least mark your email as "off-list".
But please refrain from off-list replies related to Windows vs Linux.

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