
Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Tue Jun 7 02:21:57 UTC 2022

On Monday, June 06 2022, Dan Streetman wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 5:18 PM Sergio Durigan Junior
> <sergiodj at> wrote:
>> On Thursday, June 02 2022, Dan Streetman wrote:
>> > How do I get access to bileto? Everyone in canonical product engineering
>> > seems to use this system but I've never had access. Is it restricted to
>> > only some canonical employees?
>> Hey Dan,
>> I remember gaining access to bileto automatically when I became a Core
>> Dev.  I didn't have to ask permission to anyone.
> Looking at the LP team that (I think?) controls Bileto access, i.e.
> ~bileto-users, I appear to be already in that team...which I never
> realized. However, I've even if I do magically have access to use
> Bileto, I never knew that, and I still don't know how I can actually
> 'use' (i.e. upload anything to) it...
> is there some docs on how to 'use' bileto?

There's, but I always found the page to
be a bit confusing if you just want to build & test your changes (which
is all I do with Bileto).

Here's what I do:

- After logging in, click on "Create New Ticket".  Give it a Description
  (usually the name of the package(s) being tested) and provide a Test
  Plan (I personally just write "dep8" in this field).  Choose the
  "Target Series" for this ticket.

- After the ticket is created, click on "Build" and then on "Build
  Packages".  This will create a new PPA associated with your ticket,
  where you can upload the package(s) you want to build.

- After you upload the package(s) and they've been accepted by the PPA,
  you can click on "Diff" and then "Regenerate Diffs".  This is a
  necessary step in order to have Bileto run dep8.

- After the PPA has finished building & publishing, and if everything
  looks good to you, you can set the "Lander Signoff" field to
  "Approved".  This will let Bileto know that it can proceed with the
  dep8 tests.

- If everything is working OK, after a while (which can be a long time)
  you will see links under the "Automated Test Results" field which will
  contain the dep8 results.

That's about it.

I know other people use Bileto for more complex stuff, but the above is
all I need.  Bileto is really great to have an idea of how a transition
will unfold because it automatically tests everything related to the
package you're building (i.e., it runs the dep8 tests for the package(s)
and their rdeps).  I don't recommend using it for a single package
upload/test, though; a regular PPA is more than enough for it.


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