Ubuntu LTS20.04 - wireguard package
Jeffrey Walton
noloader at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 23:16:57 UTC 2022
On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 2:02 PM Filip Menke <fips at filip-menke.de> wrote:
> Is there a reason why the wireguard package is outdated and no updates are available through the standard update process(apt-get update / upgrade)?
> Users must update the package manually and from a security perspective a VPN server should be always up to date otherwise the system could be vulnerable..
Related, if you want the latest version of a package like Wireguard
(or GCC, or Python, or Perl, ...), then you might want to look at
Fedora has a 6 month release cycle. Each version you are on has the
latest releases of its packages and gets full updates. And in 6 months
you move onto the next stable version. At the 6 month release in the
life cycle, you simply run dnf-system-upgrade [1] and you are on the
next version of Fedora. dnf-system-upgrade is a lot like a Ubuntu
I really like Fedora's model, the use of SELinux in enforcing mode,
and Fedora's desire to provide the latest versions of software. In
fact, I run Fedora Workstations to test the latest GCC compilers, and
Fedora Servers when I need a web server.
I no longer bother with CentOS or Red Hat servers. I can't stand that
antique software that makes you use Software Collections (SCL) to get
something semi-modern. I gave up on CentOS and Red Hat servers when
trying to get Mediawiki running on them. CentOS and Red Hat servers
with their old software was just too much work.
I also use Ubuntu workstations and servers. But every now and again
you want the latest software for a server, and that's when you want to
consider Fedora.
[1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/dnf-system-upgrade/
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