Bind 9.16.1 crash on Ubuntu

Ben Bridges bbridges at
Fri Dec 9 18:28:51 UTC 2022

Hi Sergio,

I appreciate the information.  Are you sure, though, that the bug(s) you referenced are the applicable bugs in my case?  The bugs you referenced appear to be problems with dig in 9.18 on jammy.  In my case, it was named itself version 9.16 on focal that crashed.

What is the MIR list?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sergio Durigan Junior <sergiodj at>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 8:53 PM
To: Ben Bridges <bbridges at>
Cc: Robie Basak <robie.basak at>; ubuntu-devel-discuss at
Subject: Re: Bind 9.16.1 crash on Ubuntu

On Thursday, December 08 2022, Ben Bridges wrote:

> Hi Robie (and Marc),
> I've never reported a bug to Ubuntu before.  I ran ubuntu-bug against
> the crash report and told it to send the report.  It appears to have
> uploaded it to the Ubuntu error tracker
> (,
> but I don't know how to verify that it sent what it was supposed to
> send.  Please let me know if there's anything else I need to do.

Hello Ben,

First of all, thanks for the interest in making Ubuntu better by
reporting bugs.

This is a known issue and I've been on top of it for a while now:

Upstream is also aware of the issue, but unfortunately the fix is very
complicated and isn't totally done yet.  There are several sub-issues
affecting dig, host and other bind9 commands.  But things are

The good news is that the Server team has plans to work on getting bind9
into the MIR list.  Ultimately, this means that minor version
updates/bugfixes should be much easier to do for us.

Please feel free to subscribe yourself to the bugs I linked above.
There hasn't been much movement lately, but we will soon get back to


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