any reason for CONFIG_FUSE_FS=y

Dimitri John Ledkov dimitri.ledkov at
Tue Aug 9 17:31:57 UTC 2022

On Tue, 9 Aug 2022 at 18:29, Bernd Schubert <bs_lists at> wrote:
> On 8/9/22 18:38, Dimitri John Ledkov wrote:
> >> We are in the process to upstream out changes. We got disrupted by other
> >> work for our main product but will continue to send new patches soon.
> >> However, as expected getting the patches upstream takes time, which is
> >> replacing the module might be helpful.
> >>
> >
> > You can open a bug report in launchpad and attempt to submit pull
> > requests to Ubuntu directly. We do carry many features and backports
> > of features that are in progress of making it into mainline, or are
> > being pulled from maintainer trees. See for example how many SAUCE
> > patches we carry for apparmor, intel cpu features, ibm power cpu
> > features and so on. Depending on how clean and maintained your fuse
> > tree is it might be suitable for inclusion in Ubuntu kernels ahead of
> > vanilla mainline.
> >
> Ah nice, for me that sounds great! Maybe that solves our issue! I was
> more expecting a "please open a request through a paying Ubuntu customer".

It's more of a send patches, or pull-requests to Public
kernel-team at

But with appropriate messages headers / tags / buglink reference /
sign-off / parent tree etc.


And so on.



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