Ubuntu initramfs (Was: Re: any reason for CONFIG_FUSE_FS=y)

Dimitri John Ledkov dimitri.ledkov at canonical.com
Tue Aug 9 17:25:03 UTC 2022


On Tue, 9 Aug 2022 at 18:20, Aaron Rainbolt <arraybolt3 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On my system, if the initrd isn't readable by the kernel, it results
> in a kernel panic. Is that to be expected despite inird-less boot? Or
> is that an indicator that at least Lubuntu (and probably Ubuntu
> Desktop) does use an initrd?

This is not a choice or a configuration, on machines that we can
guarantee initrd less boot we configure and do that. On machines where
we can't we set it up for booting with initrd. It is a transparent
boot optimisation. If your system boots one way or another, it is best
experience available for you.

But your individual setups and deployments do not represent the
overall spectra of Ubuntu usage, and relative % of boots that happen
one way or the other, even if all of your machines in your particular
deployment do one particular thing.



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