Building kernel metapackages

Ryan Govostes (he/him) rgovostes at
Fri Oct 8 02:09:11 UTC 2021

I have built a modified kernel following the BuildYourOwnKernel guide and would like to distribute it in a private apt repo. (I’m using Bionic now, but will move to Focal in the near future.)

It works to ask apt to install one of my packages by its hyper-specific name, like, linux-image-unsigned-4.15.0-159-generic, but I’d like to also produce the linux-image-generic and linux-headers-generic metapackages.

I can see that these are produced by the linux-meta project but I could not find any documentation on it. If that’s the right way to proceed, how can I use it to produce metapackages that reference the custom packages I built? Or is it easier to create my own metapackages from scratch? 


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