LibreOffice Elementary Icons changed too much!

Coburn Ingram thrusce at
Thu Mar 11 17:20:49 UTC 2021

Hello --

LibreOffice just rolled out a bunch of updates. Included were big changes
to the Elementary icon style. I do not like the changes. It feels like a
whole different style, one that I am not comfortable with. There are no
other icons I have seen that I like.

I realize time moves on. But I tried downloading the old style from
groovy-updates, manually installing it, and locking it. Nope, after another
update it was back to the new icons.

Please consider this constructive feedback from a longtime fan of the
Elementary style. Please pass it on to the maintainers, since this is
apparently the approved channel for that. I feel the icons got too heavy. I
especially don't like the thick dark lines to the right of the toolbar,
where my alignment buttons live. It's not quite like changing the icons
from a light style to a white-on-black style, but I feel the difference was
too drastic. It changed some important things that were unique and good
about Elementary, things I feel should not have been changed.

Again, I will be trying to hold on to the old package. I do not want to
keep up with this change. I hope that my friendly review is helpful for
future direction.


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