PS: change "/tmp" deletion from the time of boot to the time of shutting down to prevent data loss

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Mon Jul 26 22:35:32 UTC 2021

On Mon, 26 Jul 2021 23:19:09 +0300, Nicholas Guriev wrote:
>You can pass `init=/bin/bash` as kernel boot parameter through GRUB and
>then copy the temporary files to a safe place.

I can't comment on GRUB. While my machine has got more than one Ubuntu
install, too, I'm in favour of syslinux. However, _if_ the wanted files
are still in place, access by any live Linux (Ubuntu DVD, whatsoever
Linux distro USB stick ...) can be used, too. IMO the better approach
is to not use /tmp/ for important log data _or_ at least to disable
deletion of /tmp/ items by appropriate measures. Well, I doubt that
disabling or masking services that clean tmp/ from time to time is an
appropriate measure. It will keep log data in tmp/, but garbage will be
collected, too.

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