20.04 LTS kickstart --asprimary

Jerry Geis jerry.geis at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 20:25:35 UTC 2021

I have 4 partitions in my %pre section.
Each one I have --asprimary however kickstart is making a sda5 partition
instead of sda4.

is there a reason why ?

Something like this:
echo "bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=$HD1SHORT "       >
echo "clearpart --all --initlabel
                                    "       >> /tmp/partition-information
echo "part /boot/efi  --ondisk=$HD1SHORT --fstype efi  --size=1000
 --asprimary                             "       >>
echo "part /     --ondisk=$HD1SHORT --fstype ext4 --size=$ROOTSIZE
--asprimary                                  "       >>
echo "part swap  --ondisk=$HD1SHORT               --size=$SWAPSIZE
--asprimary $SWAPGROW                        "       >>
if [ "$HOMEGROW" = "--grow" ]
        echo "part /home --ondisk=$HD1SHORT --fstype ext4 --size=1
--asprimary $HOMEGROW                "       >> /tmp/partition-information

I expected partions /sda1 to /sda4 no sda1-sda3 and then sda5. Anything  I
can do ?


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