Dependency question

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Wed Jul 1 17:18:56 UTC 2020

Hi David!

On 2020-06-30 10:34, David Ljung Madison wrote:
> I am the author of the 'album' and 'album-data' packages.
> I distribute a 'deb' for the package as well as a tar for the data
> package which someone (I'm not actually sure who) turns into an
> ubuntu package.
> For some reason they are adding an unnessary dependency:
> % apt-cache show album-data
> Depends: album, libjs-swfobject
> There is no reason for this package to depend on libjs-swfobject, and
> this is causing downstream distro's to not provide the package.
> How can I get the dependencies updated properly?

Your application is packaged in Debian, i.e. Ubuntu simply syncs it from 
the Debian repo.

I notice this bug:

Unfortunately the Debian package maintainer seems to have stepped down, 
and nobody else has fixed the bug. As a result the album-data package is 
not available in Debian Buster and Ubuntu 20.04.

So the Debian package needs a new maintainer. Or at least it needs some 
love by some Debian developer who helps out by dropping that dependency.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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