openPGP Error Ubuntu 19.10

Clément Hermann nodens at
Thu Feb 27 11:47:46 UTC 2020


On 26/02/2020 15:44, Harry Seiler wrote:
> Dear maintainers,
> first, thank you for the openPGP-applet i use in debian distribution!
> It's a really great program.


> Now, i have problems to run the openPGP-applet in Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine.
> Install through the apt-get is ok but i cannot launch it.
> I cannot find any troubleshooting information in the web, only "please
> help" postings in forums.
> Do you know about bugs using the applet in Eoan Ermine?
> Do you have troubleshooting information?
> ps -ax says it runs:
> 9023 ?        SLl    0:13 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service
> 9042 ?        Sl     0:01 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/openpgp-applet

If this is what I think, this is not a bug per se. But it's a known issue.

There is no "systray" (or notification area) in gnome-shell anymore, so
you need to use an extension that will create a systray in the top panel
instead, like TopIcon+.
In Debian, such an extension is packaged:

You can also install this extension or a similar one from with a web browser.

Once the extension is installed, you should be able to see the applet
icon in the top panel.

There are plans to transform this as a proper app with a dbus backend
and a dedicated extension (maybe keeping the systray compatibility for
other desktop environments, but no promise on that). Then it won't be
necessary to use TopIcon anymore. That said, I don't have an ETA on this
at the moment.

I'll add a recomends: gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus to the
package so most people have the right setup when they pull the package.



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