mpv Fullscreen Mode Crashes KDE Plasma Desktop's Windows

jcsmpsn at jcsmpsn at
Sun Feb 9 00:20:23 UTC 2020


I am running KDE's Plasma Desktop, on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, on a Desktop computer, and usually use VLC for my video-viewing pleasures, but recently decided to give mpv Media Player a go. My first reaction was "You must be kidding," but, after doing a little research and determining the appropriate keyboard shortcuts, I actually came to like mpv Media Player.

Then, it happened: I pressed "f" to go into full screen mode, which worked fine on previous occasions, and couldn't get out of it. So, I pressed "q" to quit, which worked. After verifying several times, I can say now that mpv Media Player is now magically causing the KDE Window Manager to crash every time, which is necessitating the shutting down of each open application using only application menus (since the Window Manager becomes ABSENT/INVISIBLE) and the rebooting of the you-know-what. Taskbar program buttons remain showing even after shutting down all programs.

What the smeg is going on?

Keyboard shortcuts I've used with mpv are 9, 0, d, f, q, o, Shift + O, Shift + L, Shift + <, Shift + >, Alt + 0, Alt + 1, and Alt + 2, along with mouse use for playlist navigation, fullscreen, minimize, maximize, restore, close, and toggling time remaining / full time.

This problem began only after I was experimenting with Alt + Tab for window navigation, which I very rarely use instead of the mouse. Since mpv Media Player is so keyboard-shortcut driven, I thought it would be convenient to just extend use of the keys when running mpv by using Alt + Tab or Ctrl + F10 for desktop navigation. I used also "Show the desktop by minimizing all windows." But now, mpv's fullscreen mode has become toxic.

You guys should know about this. No problems with VLC. . . .

(See info screenshot attachments.)

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