Mumble project homepage

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Sat Dec 12 19:19:38 UTC 2020

Hi Robert!

On 2020-12-11 08:26, Robert Adam wrote:
> My name is Robert and I am a core-developer of the Mumble project. I 
> just realized that the package in the Ubuntu (focal) repository for 
> mumble and mumble-server lists the Mumble wiki as the homepage of the 
> project.
> Our (long-term) plan is to remove the wiki (and move docs to a different 
> page) and thus this link will most likely end up dangling. Instead I 
> suggest that you could add the project's actual homepage 
> ( to the package's meta-information.

mumble is packaged at Debian, so I would suggest that you get in touch 
with the Debian maintainer about changing it. One way to do that is to 
file a bug:

But while you are at it, why not add an AppStream metainfo file to the 
project source. That will give you as an upstream developer full control 
over how the project is described in the various distros.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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