Packaging libnginx-mod-http-modsecurity

Niels Kristensen niels at
Sun Aug 16 10:55:21 UTC 2020


I've been looking for the best way to maintain a deb package for the
ModSecurity dynamic Nginx module:

I'm not experienced with packaging for Ubuntu, so I'm not sure if the
Universe repository is the best place, or if it's a PPA.

I've looked at the other packages for dynamic Nginx modules in Universe
(libnginx-mod-*), and it seems like they are compiled using the same deb
source package, so I thought that it might be a good place to add the
ModSecurity module as well. What do you think?

There is already something out there for building a deb package of the
module for 18.04 but it
is not maintained anymore.

Br Niels
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