Broken Dependencies

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Fri Aug 14 23:45:38 UTC 2020

On 2020-08-15 01:09, notebook wrote:
> On 2020/08/13 17:35, Peter Wibberley wrote:
>> I have just upgraded to KDE Neon 20.04 from KDE Neon 18.04.  I then
>> immediately attempted to install QGIS ( Version
>> 3.10.4+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (focal) ) but qgis is shown as 'Broken'.
>> Using Synaptic Package Manager, 'Properties'.'Dependencies' shows
> I opened a bug the other day:
> However, it was turned down, because it was believed this is due to
> (my) misconfiguration. Maybe the reasons are the same? Maybe you
> could add some information to the report?

I just installed qgis successfully on my 20.04, which indicates that 
those who closed the bug were right.

One possible explanation is that there is some package(s) from a PPA or 
other 3:rd party repo which isn't compatible with certain dependencies. 
In that case you are on your own.

Another possible explanation is that there is some kind of conflict with 
some installed package which actually is present in the focal archive. 
In that case you should better identify such a conflict before filing a 
bug report. If you need help with doing that, please seek help at e.g. 
Ask Ubuntu or some other support resource.

On 2020-08-13 10:35, Peter Wibberley wrote:
> Conflicts: with uim-qt3

uim-qt3?? That package exists in Ubuntu 12.04, but not in later versions 
as far as I can see. It should certainly have been uninstalled long ago.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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