Package libvte-2.91-0 for Xenial (16.04LTS)

PJ Singh psingh.cubic at
Mon Apr 27 21:51:35 UTC 2020

Dear Package Maintainers,

Since Xenial is an lTS release, is there a plan to upgrade the libvte-2.91

   - The package libvte-2.91-0 in Xenial has version 0.42.5-1ubuntu1.
   - The package libvte-2.91-0 in newer Ubuntu releases (such as Eoan) has
   version vte2.91_0.52.1-1ubuntu1.

The issue is, libvte-2.91 in Xenial seems to have the OLD APIs from
libvte-2.90 (nine-zero)...

Specifically, as of Vte version 2.91, Vte should have a method called
spawn_async(). However this is method completely missing from the version
of Vte available in Xenial.

It seems as if Xenial actually uses Vte 2.90 (nine-zero), but calls it Vte
2.91 (nine-one)??

Please let me know if you would consider back-porting the vte2.91_0.52.1
package to Xenial?

Thank You,
PJ Singh
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