Ubuntu 19.04 ".desktop" no longer working!?

Thomas Stadtmüller thomas.stadtmueller at gmx.de
Mon May 27 09:27:35 UTC 2019

Dear Gunnar,

thank you for your reply and support with this strange behavior!

I am happy to also create a formal bug report (though never done before)
and I have tried to first gather some additional information which I
should add there.

The error is reproducible on two different computers. What may be
specific about these is that they German language Ubuntu installations
where I used the zero-latency kernel for music production. Else at least
the first computer is pretty new with no frills.

As I am lucky to have two computers with Ubuntu and, based on the
confidence your e-mail has created that 19.04 does fully support
.desktop files, I have upgraded the next one. The 2nd computer upgrade
form 18.10 to 19.04. yields the identical result as before. With Ubuntu
19.04 the .desktop files no longer show an app specific icon and upon
double-clicking they open in the text editor instead of executing the
related application. I have attached a protocol with screen-shots of
what I've done.

Some additional findings:

1. During Installation a warning was issued - and the suggested command
line fix is not working.
2. I have created a soft-link to an app which is displayed on the
Desktop as a text file - when changing the link's property icon is not
changing the icon displayed on the desktop.

What I can also imagine is wipe one of the computers and install 19.04
from scratch, but this of course will require more time.

Any ideas appreciated.



Am 25.05.19 um 20:56 schrieb Gunnar Hjalmarsson:
> On 2019-05-25 08:18, Thomas Stadtmüller wrote:
>> Dears,
>> Can you confirm Ubuntu 19.04 still supports .desktop files?
>> I have upgraded from Ubuntu 18.10 to 19.04.
>> Now I wonder why there isn't a huge cry out in the community about
>> .desktop files no longer working.
> Possibly because they generally work?
>> Definitely the path/app exists and the .desktop file is executable.
> .desktop files don't need to be executable.
> Please provide a reproducible use case, preferably by submitting a bug
> report.
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