Fail to install ubuntu 18 on Workstation hp Z8 G4

장석민 사원 miniminn at
Tue May 21 08:00:00 UTC 2019

I have workstation hp Z8 G4 and trying to install ubuntu 18

*Z8 G4 specification
-hp linux-ready
-os load to sata/sas
-intel 6136 xeon3.0 *2
-nVidia Qdr GV100 32GB *2

First, I inseted USB with ubuntu 18 image and power on.
In GNU GRUB - I selected Try ubuntu without installing.(also Install ubuntu)
After that the screen turns black. And no response.
To fix it, tried paramset nomodeset, nouveau.modeset=0 but wont work, Same black screen.

Do I have to install with specific version Or specific param?


장석민       사원 / 연구소기술시스템팀        [cid:21b7afab0aba414eaea1b8af92971a33]
Jang seokmin       Specialist / R&D Technological System Team


16082 경기도 의왕시 철도박물관로 37   Tel : +82-2-6296-4993   Mobile : +82-10-7751-2247
37, Cheoldobangmulgwan-ro, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16082, Rep. of KOREA   e-mail : A670114 at


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