Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco) - Enigmail Security Issue

Nish Aravamudan nish.aravamudan at gmail.com
Sun May 12 00:02:09 UTC 2019

On Sat, May 11, 2019, 15:07 FK <fkrueger at mailbox.org> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Is there any reason why enigmail is still at version 2.0.9 of Dec 2018,
> while 2.0.10 is available for quite some time?

Your $SUBJECT does not directly seem to have any relevance to the content
of your email. If there is a specific security issue, then you would be
most helpful by at least mentioning it here, but even better would be
filing a bug on launchpad.

Enigmail appears to be synced from Debian, and presumably there was not a
2.0.10 version there when the automatic Debian sync stopped.

Additionally, enigmail is in universe, which means only
community-supported, including for security.

Finally, the upstream enigmail does not mention any security fixes in
2.0.10, which is present in EE:


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