Proposal: Let's drop i386

Seth Arnold seth.arnold at
Fri May 11 21:04:47 UTC 2018

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 11:05:09PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> I do believe that the real question before us is that of dropping the
> architectures from the archive.
> However, please note that as of 18.04, i386 and armhf are still supported
> architectures by Canonical for Ubuntu Core.  While there is as yet no

I believe deleting i386 and armhf before 18.10 is the politest thing to do:

- supporting these architectures in 2025 doesn't sound plausible
- thus supporting them in 20.04 LTS doesn't sound plausible
- thus we should not encourage our users to accidentally migrate off
  18.04 LTS to 18.10, 19.04, or 19.10.

*Maybe* if we modify do-release-ugprade to ask users to confirm typing
"I know what I'm doing" it wouldn't be so bad to support both arches
through 19.10.

But 20.04 LTS ought not include these architectures and I don't want to
strand anyone away from an LTS release.

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