Backporting Mapnik to xenial

Daniel Koć daniel at
Sat Mar 24 19:34:22 UTC 2018


I want to backport current Mapnik package for bionic (3.0.19) to xenial.
I'm not involved in packaging, so I was trying to do it as easy way as

backportpackage -b -w . -s bionic -d xenial mapnik

but the problem is that it depends on the package which is not available
for xenial (namely libmapbox-variant-dev). I managed to backport this
package to xenial and put it succesfully in my PPA:

Is there a way to make it visible for backportpackage or do I need to
make it in a different way?

Any help is welcome.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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