Samba CVE-2018-1057

Thomas Ward teward at
Tue Mar 20 20:31:12 UTC 2018

It's already been patched.

The Ubuntu CVE tracker shows this [1], but also the relevant USN [2]
indicates that the issue is already 'fixed' in Ubuntu.  (It doesn't
always result in a software version bump, sometimes it's just patches
getting applied to 'fix' the issue in the given version of the package
in a specific Ubuntu release).

LP: ~teward
Ubuntu Server Team Member

On 03/20/2018 07:30 AM, James Boland wrote:
> Hi there,
> Are there any plans to upgrade the current Samba package to mitigate
> again the recent security bug in CVE-2018-1057
> <> ?
> Cheers,
> James

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