display-command, memory allocation failed, tiff

Herbert Engelmann engelmann at iname.com
Sat Jun 23 06:13:54 UTC 2018

Good day,

I use Linux Mint 18.3.

I updated ImageMagick to version 8:

Since then the display-command is unable to show a
simple tiff-image. I get the information:

display: memory allocation failed `check_power.tiff' @

I downloaded version 7.0.8-2 directly from ImageMagick.
The display-command from this version displays my file

I appended the file in question. But I had the same
problem with other files too.

best regards

Herbert Engelmann
H. Engelmann, +41 (0)81 860 39 30, engelmann at iname.com
PGP-Key: http://engelmann.userweb.mwn.de/a/pgp.em.html

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