Ubuntu 17.10 corrupting BIOS - many LENOVO laptops models - Bug #1734147

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Tue Jan 16 09:42:00 UTC 2018

Oh Ralf,

Ralf Mardorf schreef op 28-11-2017 19:22:

> I'm not a developer, however, consider to explain what makes you think
> that this is an Ubuntu related bug.

On 28th of November this user reported this bug to this list. It had 
already been reported a few days prior.

On 29th of November I questioned why people were not getting informed.

On 19th of December Canonical confirmed it was a bug caused by an 
(Ubuntu) kernel and removed the download link from the website after 
they had basically already completely discovered both the issue and the 

For 20 days users were exposed to a risk that may not have completely 
destroyed their laptops, but surely caused some of them to return it to 
Lenovo and caused others to spend money on repairs.

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