wportuguese package and utf-8

Guillaume MULLER gm at presans.com
Fri Sep 15 13:09:08 UTC 2017


I'm writing to you as your are identified as the maintainers of the
"wportuguese" Debian/Ubuntu package.

I've installed several dictionaries/word lists and noticed that most files are
in utf-8, but the portuguese one, which is in ISO-8859.

$ file /usr/share/dict/*
/usr/share/dict/american-english:              UTF-8 Unicode text
/usr/share/dict/american-english-huge:         UTF-8 Unicode text
/usr/share/dict/british-english:               UTF-8 Unicode text
/usr/share/dict/british-english-huge:          UTF-8 Unicode text
/usr/share/dict/cracklib-small:                ASCII text
/usr/share/dict/french:                        UTF-8 Unicode text
/usr/share/dict/portuguese:                    ISO-8859 text

Was it done on purpose? Why?

This makes it difficult to work with several languages at once or to print on a
terminal that is configured to print utf-8.

Would a solution be to have:
- 1 native file "portuguese.isoxxx",
- 1 utf-8 file "portuguese.utf8" and
- 1 symlink to the utf-8 file as default "portuguese" file?

Best Regards

Guillaume MULLER, PhD

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