Firefox ESR package is really needed

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Oct 3 15:55:51 UTC 2017

On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 12:27:36AM +0300, Nrbrtx wrote:
> Thanks to JonathonF - he built latest Firefox ESR 52.4.0. Interested users
> may download it from PPA
> <> .
> But this is not user-friendly solution.

Given that others are already doing the work in their PPAs, I wonder if
any of them would be able to get together and volunteer to maintain
firefox-esr in Ubuntu's official archive, working alongside the existing
maintenance of non-ESR Firefox done by the desktop team?

As has already been mentioned by others this might involve some
additional work to make the two play well in the archive together.

Is there anyone who is prepared to drive this? Presumably there's no
point in considering how (and if) it might work technically unless we
have volunteers though.

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