Important OpenVPN release on Thursday at 16:00 CEST

Samuli Seppänen samuli at
Mon May 8 15:02:39 UTC 2017

Dear package/port maintainer,

We will release OpenVPN 2.4.2 and 2.3.15 the upcoming Thursday (11th
May) at 16:00 CEST. These two releases will contain important security
fixes and we hope that you can get your packages/ports updated fairly
quickly after the release.

We will patch the release/2.2 branch in Git to make it easier for you to
use the patches with very old OpenVPN versions. Feel free to contact me
if you need any further details.

Best regards

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock
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